Monday, July 31, 2006

The Weekend - Reader's.Digest version

So, this weekend wasn't the greatest.
Friday, I chilled out w/ my Mom. Talked to JP and went out to eat.
Saturday, I worked, got my hair done, and went out to dinner w/ my girls in the office. It was a reward for the good work that they have done so far. They're the greatest!! We had a really good time and I'm so glad that I was able to take them out!
Later on, BF called and said that he had had a really good day at work and he was all hyped up. I asked him what he was doin' that evening' and he said he was hangin out w/ his brother and his boys. *insert instant attitude* I just got irritated at the fact that it never even crossed his mind to see if I wanted to do anything- as usual. So here I am sitting on the phone- boilin'!
He was askin' me what was wrong and I told him that it would have been nice if he had had even half a thought - to see if I may have wanted to do somethin', but at this point, it was too late. So, I spent Saturday night alone - pissed.
Sunday morning, I called him when I got up and of course we started arguin, 'cuz I was still pissed from the previous night. I think I called him back at least 2 or 3 times, because I would get off the phone and think of something else to fuss about. After I got off from the last call, I just decided that I needed to be done with this ridiculous bullshit ass relationship. I thought about it for a little while, then I got up and got showered and dressed. Prepared to meet him out, somewhere, and just end the shit.
Of course, at this point, he stopped answering his phone!! LOL I guess he was tired of hearin' me bitch. I called a few more times while I was in my car- headed to my Moms, 'cuz I had waay too amped to be just sitting in my house by myself. I stayed over there for a while and finally ended up fallin' off to sleep. I slept for a while, but once I got up, I was ready for the confrontation once again. I called and he answered and said that he had been sleepin' - although the earlier phone calls were ignored. :-{
I told him that I needed to see him, so I met him over his house. I was much calmer than I had been earlier that day. It's probably a good idea that he ignored those couple of calls, I was obviously too hype!
I ended up stayin' over there for a couple of hours and I just told him (a-fuckin'-gain) how I have been feeling and that I'm tired of the bullshit and the excuses and I need to get out of this for my own sanity. It was nothin' loud, but just me gettin' my point across. He got loud one time,but I didn't even let it faze me. I've had enuff.
We went outside and he was just standing by the car while we were talkin'. He asked where I stood and I told him again that this relationship- or whatever the fuck it has turned into- is not for me. Then I told him to give me my key back. He went in the house and got it and then we talked for a little while longer. I mentioned somethin' about him spending all his time w/ his brother and friends and then he flew off the handle! Started cussin' and closed my car door, still cussin', stormed into his house and slammed the door!!! I turned the car on, backed out and drove the hell home- just as calm as I pleased!! See, when I'm tired, I'm tired & there's no need for a whole bunch f back and forth shit. I did not shed a tear- just felt like I had exerted all my effort and that was it. I had no intentions on calling him on Sunday or ever.
Ok, so I'm in the crib for all of 5 minutes before the cell rings. I had to look to see who it was, 'cuz I had already erased his ass outta my address book - no more special ring for his sorry ass!! lol
He apologized for cussin' at me and said that I didn't deserve to be talked to like that - duh!!! I was just like alright, thanx - silence... Finally, he was like well, that' all I wanted to say. I'm like cool and I hung up. He called back a few times wanted to know if I wanted him to come by, so we could talk - nope! I'm tired of having the same conversation and I'm tired of bein' sad all the fuckin' time and arguin' like it's my gaddam job!!! No thanx!
We finally got off the phone for the last time and I went to bed early. I was exhausted and just needed to get some rest for the upcoming day.
I didn't even bother to text JP, so you know I was in no mood.
Well, what do you know- at 8:00 this morning, I got a call at work from BF. He's all cheery and Good Morning-ish. WTF?? Who is this?? How come I usually get the "bullshit-negro-can-barely-open-his-mouth-and-say-good-morning any other time? Now it's all love? Not only that, he called several times today in a good mood- filled with the good conversation like we used to have way back when. When was that, anyway??? He talked about where WE should go on our vacation.... Huh?? Did you not hear me last night??? Crazy!
So where does this lead, who the fuck knows! All I know is that if being broken up is what brings his ass back around, then good for him!! I not worryin' about when and if I hear or see him- he can do whatever. Call or don't call- makes me no difference. I think I will be happier like this. If I don't have expectations for him to do certain shit, then technically there is no room for disappointment. However, I expect the same treatment.


Blogger sweetness said...

gurl stick to ur guns. this is his pride and shock personality talkin. Bf was tryin that cheeful crap last week when he noticed my lack of interest. and u can read the bullsh*t he was feedin me yesterday. i do know when us cancers are tired whe are tired. i'm proud of u. remember go forward not backwards.

6:12 AM  
Blogger Ms.Honey said...

Why does it seem like I just went through something similar with someone..they were angry I won't letting it get to me cause I had said what I had to say...this fool calls back tryin to act all we were just fussing what the heck....

8:25 AM  
Blogger Shug said...

Girl, leave him alone and don't fool for that "nice" act. He's only doing it to try and get back on your good side.

I say make a clean break of it. If he calls back, polietly tell him that you don't want to talk to him anymore and there is no need for him to call you. I have learned with guys you have to cut them off completely in order for them to take the hint. If not, they will try to start shit with you just to try and get some kind of emotion out of you and you really will be going back and forth.

12:21 PM  
Blogger Ms.Behavin said...

@Sweetness: Men... can't live with 'em, can't bury 'em in the the backyard, w/o stinkin' up the neighborhood.

@HL: THe situation is getting weirder (word??) by the day - I'm honestly not sure what to do.

@Shug: I feel like I need to end it, but I'm just not sure. We have had such good times and this is the first time that we have split up in 5 years! Whatever I do, I will take my time deciding. - No rash decisions.

6:15 AM  

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